Gatos Borincoon
Adopt Cats
Adoption Stories
Pre-Application Form
Adoption Application
Solicitúd adopción (en español)
Rescue Costs
Cat Gallery
Pre-adoption Questionaire
Placement Questionnaire
My name is :
What's your address?
Phone number:
Are you 21 years old or older?
Do you own or rent ?
Have you had pets in the past?
What happened to them?
How many hours would the pet be alone during the day?
Will your cat be allowed outdoors?
If yes, how busy is your street?
Will you be getting a collar and tag for him or her?
(We recommend it, even for indoor-only cats, there's a chance they might get out).
What arrangements will you make when you go away?
How often are you away?
Anything else you'd like us to know about you?
What pet interests you?
What appealed to you about this particular pet?
Why are you interested in adopting now?
Clinic Name:
Clinic Phone:
Vet records are under the name of:
Personal reference who has seen you around animals:
Phone number:
Submit Application